For Every $25 You Spend We Provide A Healthy Meal To A Pup In Need

At Puppy Love Gifts, we believe that giving back and helping dogs find their forever home is an integral part of our mission. This is why we started the Snacks for Pups initiative - for every $25 you spend, we provide a healthy meal to a pup in need! Our Snacks for Pups initiative - for every $25 you spend in our store we provide a healthy meal to a shelter pup. We partner with the San Diego Humane Society, donating $1 out of every $25 to help them care for animals in need. In addition, we work with many shelters and rescues all across the U.S., supporting them in their mission to help animals in need. Use the coupon codes below at checkout to donate to our partner rescues:

San Diego Humane Society. Use code 10%SDHS at checkout

Homeward Trails: Use code 10%HOMEWARDTRAILS at checkout

East Bay SPCA: Use code EASTBAY at checkout

Save-A-Pet, IL: Use code 10%SAVEAPET at checkout

Pasadena Humane Society: Use code 10%PASADENA at checkout

Oregon Humane Society: Use code 10%OHS at checkout

Wisconsin Humane Society: Use code 10%WHS at checkout

Animal Rescue Fresno: Use code 10%ARF at checkout

New Hampshire SPCA: Use code 10%NHSPCA at checkout

East Bay SPCAPasadena Humane Society

San Diego Humane SocietyHomeward rails Animal RescueSave-A-Pet

Oregon Humane SocietyWisconsin Humane Society
New Hampshire SPCA